they route
to find a way
Roles: Creative and art direction.
It is a Mexican show that tells the story of 4 female leads with themes that resonate among young women (a young adults target 16-25 years old) who embark on a road trip to discover themselves. 
We knew that the path was that of female empowerment, but without falling into an opportunistic discourse (it was launched a week before 8M) or that it was out of the tone of the series, which tends to be comical. We decided to run an advertising campaign that mocks advertising itself and codes, stereotypes that we have received for years to deliver our message: fuck roles and stereotypes. 

We’re used to watching in TV PSA ads communicating safety tips for driving and when going out on vacations. For this reason we created public service announcement videos where the Desenfrenadas share tips for the road… and life.

Beauty and self-care routines have taken off and are a hot topic, especially beauty products such as masks, eye patches, etc.
We present a commercial for a self-care product line that instead of beauty problems, tackles millennial’s struggles.
A typical misinterpretation of women roles (and bodies) comes from dolls. We grew up with them and their ads, they helped shape the things the show pokes fun at. 
For that reason, que want to present the show as a doll commercial. Each character with their figure, embodying their personalities game-like.
Client: Netflix | Global Creative Marketing Manager: Amber Zhai |  Regional Marketing Manager: Andres Ibarra Ríos | Creative Producer: Rodrigo García-Robles
ECD: Dauquen Chabeldin | PM: Israel Rojas, Yaneth Velázquez | CW: Sofía López | AD: Noé Segovia |CM: Paola Prado, Elizabeth Beltrán.

Role: Creative and art direction.

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